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Life was good – I was working with a renowned European fashion brand. But what began as "harmless" recreation at office parties almost killed me.
In grade three a friend told me, "I can't sleep over because my parents say your mom and dad are drunks." That was the moment it hit me: my family isn't normal.
Good things come to those who wait. At least, that’s what I’ve been told. But I’ve been waiting a long time. I don’t know when, or even if, I’ll find love. That’s the hardest part of being single.
She made me touch her inappropriately. In return she offered me candy. She justified it by saying that it was a “fun game.”
I became a slave to my darkest emotions and fears. The sorrow I felt had no outlet.
My daughter grew up telling me, 'Mamma, I’m sometimes scared that Daddy will hit me just like he hits you.'”
We became strangers, living under the same roof, hardly talking. We even slept in separate rooms because he didn't want to be near me.
Within six months, the decision-making process started to falter. The money started to dry up. Very soon, our salaries were being delayed.
We were elated — the pregnancy test was positive and everything was perfect. A perfect little family, a perfect little heartbeat, a perfect little future. But...
The thoughts of potential failure, business growth, fame, and fortune gripped my mind night and day
The one person who I assumed considered me unique, irreplaceable, and desirable was choosing to channel his sexual energy towards a screen instead of me.
Porn was a dark secret I hid every day. I shuttered at the thought of somebody discovering my shameful habits. But telling my secret was exactly what I needed to do.
After swimming in a motel pool, a man followed up alongside me. When it was over, he ran a bath for me. I was still in that cold water when they found me in the morning.
What happened to me while living abroad at six years of age turned into a nightmare that lasted decades.
I was on cloud nine when my pregnancy reports came back positive. But those happy days were suddenly transformed into days of despair when I noticed a small lump below my jawline.
I felt totally alone and completely misunderstood. I thought the only way to numb the pain was to kill myself.
A few years into our marriage, I discovered that my husband had been sending sexually explicit emails to women he had met on the Internet. That was just the beginning.
One thing led to another and we ended up having unprotected sex